There are a couple important things to know about Grenoble before coming. First for people considering coming to Grenoble (especially over the summer), come! However, be prepared for weather changes. Make sure that you have clothing for 60 degrees and rain or for 90 degrees and no A/C. There is not a lot of makeup-wearing here so don't feel the need to bring your entire makeup kit, also make sure to bring lots of pony tails that way you can put your hair up (if necessary) for hikes. Trust me, there are a lot of hikes. Also be forewarned (mostly to future ambassadors), if you are told you are going on a walk be prepared because there is a fair chance that it will actually be a hike. But also be prepared to meet what I believe to be one of the most beautiful cities in the entire world. When I saw Grenoble in the light for the first time it was absolutely breathtaking, and it still is. The size of Grenoble means that, while you get most place by taking the tram, you can also walk everywhere within thirty minutes. That said, get a tram card because it makes your life so much easier-also learn what line and what direction you need to take to get home because when you feel lost that is very helpful. The size of Grenoble is perfect because you really can take in the whole city without becoming overwhelmed with tourists or too many shops. While Jessica and I were here I don't think we ever really encountered any tourists in the city and that is one of the brilliant things about Grenoble, you can embrace and experience French stereotypes without being surrounded by other tourists. Additionally, Grenoble is only about three hours away from Italy and Switzerland so it is in an ideal location for people who are traveling around Europe. From Grenoble you can also get to Lyon, a larger and more touristy version of Grenoble, where the airport is in one hour or Chamonix and Annecy in two to three hours. Overall, Grenoble is the perfect place to visit if you are looking for a small French city around the alps sans tourists and in close proximity to other cities and countries. I would encourage anyone who could to visit because it honestly will change your outlook on France and redefine what you think of when you think of France.
Au Revoir,